The Original Email from To whom it may concern,
For your kind information, we are organizing a project called “Month of
Malaysian Government Website Bugs (MoMGWB)” on our website at starting on 23rd May 2008. This initiative aims
to serve as an effort to improve the security of Malaysian government
websites. In addition to this, we hope that this project will instill a
more positive and vigilant approach by the Malaysian government
ministries and department towards security. We hope that they will be more
responsive to security bugs, and that they employ strict quality control in terms
of security before launching online applications.
Throughout this month long project, we will release bugs that affect
Malaysian government portal 24 hours after the technical details are
sent to GCERT. The details provided to GCERT will be technical and in-depth
and sufficient for GCERT to mitigate the vulnerabilities and risks. The
public release will be general and does not contain information that will put
the affected websites to higher risk.
We will not be actively looking for bugs, nor do we have time to do so.
Instead the bugs will be submitted to us by volunteer hackers.
We will announce the project via our website this coming week.
Thank you and regards.
MoMGWB, response from is. Tuan/Puan,
Adalah saya dengan hormatnya merujuk kepada perkara di atas.
2. Untuk makluman tuan, MAMPU telah menerima satu emel
dari kumpulan yang tidak dikenali ( mahu melancarkan
satu projek pengujian tahap keselamatan ke atas semua laman web agensi
kerajaan TANPA KEBENARAN pihak MAMPU. Menurut kumpulan tersebut, projek
ini akan dilaksanakan selama sebulan bermula dari 23 Mei 2008 dan
dikenali sebagai “Month of Malaysian Government Website Bugs (MoMGWB)”.
3. Sehubungan dengan itu, MAMPU menasihati kepada semua
agensi kerajaan agar mengambil langkah-langkah berikut:
i. Memantau keselamatan secara berterusan ke atas
semua rangkaian dan aset ICT agensi terutama dalam tempoh tersebut;
ii. Mengambil tindakan pencegahan DENGAN SEGERA
sekiranya terdapat aktiviti luar yang mencurigakan seperti menghalang
alamat IP pada Firewall;
iii. Menghalang alamat IP 203.223.154.XXX atau URL
kumpulan ini ;
iv. Menutup semua port yang tidak digunakan;
v. Memastikan penggunaan katalaluan yang kukuh; dan
vi. Lain-lain tindakan pengukuhan.
4. Bersama ini disertakan emel dari kumpulan tersebut
sebagai rujukan dan tindakan lanjut oleh pihak tuan.
Sekian, terima kasih
My point is … why are they blocking the IP of the webserver…….
Please do let me know, if you ever figure this out.
P/S: “Bug” is the category, Bugs exits in Malaysian’s mindset.
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